
LaTeX Template

Working with LaTeX can be real fun. However default it looks rather bland when using it for documentation.

Of course many universities have their own style they want you to use and in most cooperate settings the same is true. However many companies don’t use LaTeX as they think it’s too difficult to make good looking documentation with.

I’d like to present a way you can create a nice front page and pages that has headers and footer that look nice.

For this we’ll use a made up company with a logo and some text generated by an AI. Just to have something to work with.

Background files

First thing we need is to create the front page and other pages background files.

Front page

Create the file frontPageTemplate.tex and add the content below to it:

\usepackage[left=2cm,top=3cm,right=2cm,bottom=3cm,head=1cm]{geometry}% for setting geometry of page

\usepackage{tikz}% for adding figure drawings
\usepackage{fancyhdr}% for controling fancy headers.

\usepackage[absolute]{textpos}% for adding positioned text boxes
\usepackage{graphicx}% for including images

\pagestyle{fancy}% Enable fancy style on this page
\fancyhf{}% Clear header and footer

\parindent=0pt% No indent on first line in paragraph

	% first logo, upper left corner
	% {textblocks}{textboxwidth}(xpos,ypos)

	% second logo, centered on page

	% third lower right side text

I have added some comments to describe what each part does.

Next step is to use xelatex to create a pdf file.

xelatex frontPageTemplate.tex frontPageTemplate.pdf

Page background

Now create the file PageTemplate.tex and add the content below to it:

\usepackage[left=2cm,top=3cm,right=2cm,bottom=3cm,head=1cm]{geometry}% for setting geometry of page

%\usepackage{tikz}% for adding figure drawings
\usepackage{fancyhdr}% for controling fancy headers.

\usepackage[absolute]{textpos}% for adding positioned text boxes
\usepackage{graphicx}% for including images

\pagestyle{fancy}% Enable fancy style on this page
\fancyhf{}% Clear header and footer

\parindent=0pt% No indent on first line in paragraph

	% first logo, upper left corner
	% {textblocks}{textboxwidth}(xpos,ypos)

It’s basically the same content. The middle logo and lower text has just been removed.

Again we use xelatex to create a pdf file.

xelatex pageTemplate.tex pageTemplate.pdf

And this is how the pdf files should look afterwards.

Putting it to use

Now it’s time to put it into use. Create a new tex file named tractor.tex and use the code below for content.

\usepackage[left=2cm,top=4cm,right=2cm,bottom=2.5cm,head=1cm]{geometry}% Setting geometry of page

\usepackage[english]{babel}% Set localization of document
\usepackage{lastpage}% To get access to lastpage parameter
\usepackage[absolute]{textpos}% create textbox at given coordinates
\usepackage{float}% prevent images from floating
\usepackage{ulem}% Font styling
\usepackage{ragged2e}% For text alignment

% setup header and footer:
\usepackage{scrlayer-scrpage}% For header and footer
\clearpairofpagestyles% Clear header and footer
\setlength{\footheight}{0.5cm}% aligning the footer
\ofoot*{\vspace{0cm} \space\small{Page\ \thepage\space of \pageref*{LastPage} }}% Contents of right footer
\ifoot{\small{Tractors Inc.}}

\usepackage{graphicx}% Used to include graphics files
\usepackage{eso-pic}% Used for addtoshipoutpicture

% hyperlinks
\usepackage{hyperref}% For metadata and links
	colorlinks=true,    % false: boxed links; true: colored links
	linkcolor=black,     % color of internal links
	%citecolor=black,    % color of links to bibliography
	%filecolor=black,  % color of file links
	urlcolor=black      % color of external links

% macro to set background image for page
		\put(0,0){\includegraphics{#1}}% Insert file as background

% macro command to set title of document
	\def \bookTitle{#1}% This creates a referenced variable containing the title of the document.
	\hypersetup {
		pdftitle={#1}%This will set the pdf title

	\setDocumentTitle{Understanding Tractors}% should be before any pages are created.
	% set frontpage background
	\hspace*{1em}% neccessary to force correct background
	% set background for remaining pages

	% here the document main content starts

		\large{ Essential Workhorses in Agriculture and Beyond}
	Tractors are among the most versatile and indispensable pieces of equipment in agriculture, construction, and various industries. Originally designed to mechanize agricultural tasks, tractors have evolved into multifunctional machines that can handle a wide array of tasks across different sectors.
	\section{Design and Features}
	A tractor typically features a powerful diesel engine that drives large, rugged wheels or tracks. The engine's power is harnessed through a transmission with multiple gear options, providing the necessary torque and speed adapted to specific tasks. Modern tractors come equipped with a range of advanced features such as GPS navigation, auto-steering systems, and climate-controlled cabs, enhancing comfort and efficiency.
	The body of a tractor includes a chassis with an attached cab for the operator, which is often situated above the engine. This setup gives the operator a good view of the surroundings and the work at hand. Attached to the back of most tractors is a three-point hitch, a standard type of attachment system that allows for quick and secure connection of various implements.
	\section{Agricultural Uses}
	In agriculture, tractors are used to pull or power various farming implements for tasks such as plowing, tilling, planting, fertilizing, and harvesting. They are essential for both crop production and livestock management. Tractors can also operate hydraulic machinery, including loaders and backhoes, to manage materials such as feed, seeds, and soil amendments.
		\item \textbf{Tillage}: Equipped with plows or harrows, tractors break up and aerate the soil, preparing it for planting.
		\item \textbf{Planting}: Using seed drills or planters attached to tractors, farmers can sow seeds uniformly and efficiently.
		\item \textbf{Crop Care}: Tractors facilitate the spraying of pesticides and herbicides, ensuring crops are free from pests and diseases.
		\item \textbf{Harvesting}: Specialized attachments like combines and harvesters, powered by tractors, allow for efficient gathering of crops.

	\section{Construction and Industrial Applications}
	Beyond agriculture, tractors find utility in construction sites, roadwork, and landscaping. Compact tractors, which are smaller and more maneuverable, are especially popular in urban construction and infrastructure maintenance.
		\item \textbf{Landscaping}: Tractors pull a variety of tools for mowing, tilling, and spreading materials like mulch or gravel.
		\item \textbf{Construction Tasks}: With attachments such as loaders and dozers, tractors move large quantities of earth and materials, aiding in site preparation and cleanup.
		\item \textbf{Snow Removal}: Fitted with snowblow attachments, tractors become pivotal in maintaining accessibility and safety during winter months.
	Tractors are the backbone of modern farming and are increasingly pivotal in urban construction and maintenance. With ongoing advancements in technology, tractors continue to evolve, becoming more efficient and environmentally friendly. As they adapt to the changing needs of agriculture and industry, tractors remain crucial in shaping the landscape of global productivity.

Note the lines:

% set frontpage background
\hspace*{1em}% neccessary to force correct background

These are the lines that incorporate the frontpage.
First we set the pagestyle to empty, next we load the frontPageTemplate.pdf file as a background. Then we force it to be shown using the hspace command. Finally we skip to the next page.

In this simple case we do not add anything to the front page. We already made all the necessary content when we created the pdf file for the frontPageTemplate.

Next let’s take a look at the following code:

% set background for remaining pages

This line just sets the background for any remaining pages to use pageTemplate.pdf.


I made a custom macro, which is what we’re actually using to load the images.

% macro to set background image for page
		\put(0,0){\includegraphics{#1}}% Insert file as background

This uses the package eso-pic to set the background. There are other options, but I’ve gotten used to this one.


The document can now be compiled using

xelatex tractor.tex tractor.pdf

The resulting pages would look something like this:

The full document in pdf format is available here

The repository with the code can be found here🔗

Parting words

This is of course only a simple example. You can get as creative as you want with this method.